HKMM 唱無伴奏流行音樂大家應該聽得多,但其實除此以外,我們對於傳統合唱音樂也很重視。若果你想更深入認識我們的另一面,現在就有機會了。我們將會在下星期二晚(4月5日)聯同香港浸會大學室樂合唱團和香港和聲在香港大會堂音樂廳舉行的Chamber Choir Showcase中來一場傳統合唱演出。現在只要你把姓名、電話連同E-mail傳送至hkmmblog g mail,最快的五位參加者將得到4月5日晚上八時正在香港大會堂音樂廳舉行的Chamber Choir Showcase門票2張!熱愛無伴奏合唱的你,請盡快行動,勿失良機!
We at the Hong Kong Melody Makers love to sing different types of a cappella music. On April 5 at 20:00 (next Tuesday night), we are joining the Cantoría Hong Kong and Hong Kong Voices for a Chamber Choir Showcase at the City Hall Concert Hall! What’s more, we are doing another GIVEAWAY of tickets to this concert. The first five people to email hkmmblog g mail with their name, email address and contact number will each receive one pair of tickets to this concert! Act now!