去年無伴奏合唱大師 The Real Group 來港演出,在跟他們相處的幾天裡, 發現他們不單只實力雄厚,而且完全沒有架子!很欣賞他們的作風,更欣賞他們的音樂!
今年,我們會有機會與鼎鼎大名的 The Swingle Singers 見面,能跟另一隊國際知名的出色組合交流,相信必定能在他們身上學到很多!還有二十幾日,熱切期待!
Last year was amazing because we had the opportunity to enjoy The Real Group in concert, as well as get to know them a bit before and after the show. This year, we will have the opportunity to meet The Swingle Singers; hopefully we will be able to learn from this amazing group! Twenty more days, can't wait!