The a cappella Festival is in full swing! There is a lot of new information, read and see!
即將於4月1日舉行的2011無伴奏大師系列: The Swingle Singers 已經全場爆滿! 買了飛的朋友們,恭喜你!請準備好你的雙耳去迎接絕讚的音樂! 去不到的朋友們, 不用灰心, 以下送上短片為大家解愁!
April 1: The Swingle Singers concert is completely sold out! For those who have bought tickets, prepare to be amazed! For those who couldn’t get any, don’t worry, here’s a short clip of their performances.
而於4月9日星期六,我們將會在香港文化中心露天廣場帶給大家一整個下午的無伴奏合唱音樂。今年,我們很高興邀請到來自台灣的組合斑馬線(POPPHONE SINGERS)為大家演唱。其實他們早於2008年7月已經首次來香港作嘉賓演出,能夠再在香港聽到如此高質的表演,實在是我們的榮幸。以下是斑馬線的表演片段,請不要錯過4月9日當天的現場演出啊!

April 9: There will be a whole afternoon of a cappella music for free next Saturday at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre outdoor Piazza. We are pleased to announce a special overseas guest for this event, the POPPHONE SINGERS (斑馬線) from Taiwan! We last saw them in July 2008 and are happy that they are returning to sing for Hong Kong! Watch this clip, and come on April 9!
好消息!於4月30日,由HKMM 演出的全新製作<<時光䟇>>門票經已全部售罄,感謝大家對我們的支持。我們的綵排練習正進行得如火如荼,務求為大家帶來一個完滿的晚上!
April 30: HKMM’s show ‘a cappella NEW in Town’ is sold out, more than one month in advance! Woooo! We are working hard to bring you a great night of music!
Stay tuned for more news!