
夏天最新動態 Summer News

大家好! 現在放暑假了, 可以做什麼? 當然可以留意我們暑期活動和表演啦!
It's summertime... time for more news!

One of our vocal bands will perform next week!
2011香港國際青少年合唱節: 開幕典禮暨音樂會
七月十八號(星期一) 1930-2200
2011 Hong Kong International Youth and Children's Choir Festival: Opening Ceremony & Concert
July 18 (Monday) 1930-2200
Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

今年七月台灣之旅真是別具意義! 除了A House 的表演之外, 我們的人聲樂團還會在臺灣飢餓三十飢餓勇士大會師表演! 去年的飢餓三十大會場座無虛席, 看看這片段就知! 我們非常期待這次的機會!
We are very excited about our upcoming Taiwan trip, especially because we are going to be a part of Taiwan's 30 Hour Famine Hero Rally! This meaningful event will surely be a memorable performance for us. Here is last year's Hero Rally:

Stay tuned for more summer news!

