
MM 七月去台灣 Melody Makers are going to Taiwan in July!

我們很高興地宣布:MM 七月會去台灣!我們其中一個人聲樂團會跟當地的海鷗‧K人聲樂團在七月三十日於A House表演!詳情可瀏覽A House網站:http://ahousetaipei.pixnet.net/blog/post/63992143


We are very happy to announce that one of our Vocal Bands is heading to Taiwan in July! We are going to have a "double feature" with Seagull-K Vocal Band on 30 July in A House, which is the first "a cappella Live House Cafe in Taiwan". Please visit A House's website for more details (Chinese only): http://ahousetaipei.pixnet.net/blog/post/63992143

Besides, we have another special performance in this trip. Stay tuned for more details!

