
兩星期就四三零 Two weeks until 430

兩星期後的4月30日就到我們的音樂會 <時光䟇>了! 我們現在都很期待又興奮啊! 除了因為全場爆滿以外,也因為這將標誌著我們的另一突破 – 從選曲到編曲,從走位到排舞,還有影片、服裝、燈光等等,都是特意為了這次演出而預備的,跟我們往常準備演出的習慣截然不同呢!!
Two weeks left until our sold-out show on April 30, 時光䟇! We are very excited about this show because it represents another breakthough for us – everything has been specifically tailored for this show, from song selection to arrangement, staging, dance, video, costume, lighting, and much much more…

最近我們都在努力排練,希望當晚能帶給你們一個超讚的音樂會! 4月30日見!
We have been working very hard during rehearsals to bring a good show to you all! See you soon!

