
有獎問答遊戲 Ticket Giveaway + 王菀之和方大同 video!

請把姓名、電話、E-mail連同正確答案傳送至hkmmblog g mail,首位答中問題的參加者將會得到3月26日在伊利沙伯體育館舉行的「2011國際無伴奏音樂盛典」門票2張(總值$300);其餘答中問題的參加者,亦有機會參加抽獎,被抽中幸運兒能獲得門票2張(名額共4名)。遊戲截止時間為3月16日下午2時正,得獎者將會於3月19日前收到電郵通知。

Giveaway starts NOW! The first correct answer will be the first winner!
1. Answer this question: - in the indoor scene of SOLZICK's music video of '情熱Fiesta' on YouTube, how many people are wearing eyeglasses?
2. Send an email with the correct ANSWER to hkmmblog g mail with your NAME, PHONE and EMAIL.
3. The first correct answer will win one pair of tickets to the 2011 International a cappella Extravaganza on March 26 at Queen Elizabeth Stadium, worth $300 total.
4. All other correct answers received before 14:00 on March 16 (Wed) will be entered into a lucky draw for four more pairs of tickets.
5. All winners will be notified by March 19 (Sat) via email and/or phone.
6. Good luck!

送多兩個video, 有HKMM 和 R.X. 跟王菀之和方大同!
Here are two more videos featuring HKMM and R.X. with Cantopop stars Ivana Wong and Khalil Fong!

