
星期六正式揭幕啦! It starts on Saturday!

時間過得太快了, 香港2011國際無伴奏合唱節將於本星期六正式揭幕啦! 今年合唱節的宣傳非常強勁, 大家有看到我們那些地鐵燈箱及巴士廣告嗎?

Time flies… this Saturday marks the start of The Hong Kong 2011 International a cappella Festival! Have you seen the MTR billboards and bus advertisements yet?

還有幾日就到開幕演出了! 相信大家跟我一樣都是十分期待吧! 現在先止止渴, 為大家送上去年合唱節開幕音樂會的演出片段及花絮啦.
Here is some footage from the beginning of last year’s a cappella Extravaganza at Queen Elizabeth Stadium. Can’t wait for this year’s show to come!

And for those who have not seen these yet, here are some long-awaited videos from Potenza!

