After two outdoor concerts and a very successful a cappella Extravaganza, it's time to be excited for the 2012 acappella Master Series: Rockapella!

Rockapella was formed in 1986 and have released seventeen albums to date, both in the USA as well as Japan. We had the pleasure of meeting them during their last visit to Hong Kong in 2006, and we are very happy to welcome them back to the city once again! Here is a photo we took with them in 2006.
國際殿堂級組合The Real Group及The Swingle Singers曾為我們擔任無伴奏合唱大師系列表演嘉賓,並得到高度評價。這次你又豈能錯過4月20日Rockapella的精彩表演呢?
Our previous Master Series concerts have featured The Real Group and The Swingle Singers, and were very well received. Don't miss out on this year's show on April 20!
筆者小記:記得第一次接觸無伴奏合唱,是小學時看到Rockapella演出電視節目'Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego'的主題曲,時至今日,這首歌仍然是他們膾炙人口的歌曲之一。聽到此曲,記緊大叫''Do it Rockapella '﹗
A personal note: Rockapella was my first exposure to a cappella music, as I watched the TV show 'Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego' when I was in primary school! This is still Rockapella's most famous song. Remember to shout 'Do it Rockapella' before they sing this song!