We're back from our very first full-group international competition experience, the 6th World Choir Games Shaoxing 2010! What an amazing trip!
We selected new choral pieces for these Games, and used the past few months to rehearse eight contemporary choral works (two were composed by our very own Patrick and Ernest) with the help of our two conductors as well as Apollo Wong.
Honestly, it was not easy - we have not performed choral works for a long time, so it was hard to adjust to this singing style... but it was worth it! We got extraordinary results, placing second out of 16 groups in Champion Class: Mixed Chamber Choirs, and obtaining Hong Kong's first (and so far, only) Gold Medal in Shaoxing. We also placed third out of 19 groups in the Open Class: Contemporary Music category, earning a Gold Diploma.
We also were very lucky to see other choirs perform in the Games - they were amazing! We'll write more about them in the future.
If you want to hear our competition songs, come see our November concert! Details to follow.
For the full results: