It's approaching the end of 2010. Happy Holidays!
Some a cappella news. The second season of NBC's "The Sing-Off" is now airing in North America. For those who didn't watch it last year, it is a national competition among American a cappella groups with money and recording contract prizes. Hong Kong has had the pleasure of hearing several groups from this show, including BYU Noteworthy (they visited in Feb 2010) and the Tufts Beelzebubs - they came in second place last year, and are the voice of the Dalton Academy Warblers on the hit TV show "Glee". This year, two former members of Noteworthy are competing in another group, The Backbeats. Click here to see a low-quality video of their performance (it's amazing!)
In Hong Kong, our very own sing-off will happen this coming Sunday! The 2010 a cappella Music Contest will be held from 10:00 to 16:30 at the HKFYG Building (MTR Quarry Bay Exit C) with 18 groups competing in the Secondary School Division and six groups in the Open Class Division. Last year's winners were Music Shake of the Hong Kong Sai Kung Chorus (Open Class) and Diocesan Girls' School (Secondary School Class).
Also... it's out! Our boys are featured in two songs from Chet and Eman Lam's latest concert CD! We're very excited, it's the first time that our voices are on an actual commercial product!
5 Days to go! Come and feel the Harmony!
這段是我們今年7月在第六屆世界合唱比賽(The 6th World Choir Games)中獲得室內混聲組別(錦標賽第7組)- 金牌第二名 的比賽片段!
「BREAKTHROUGH 無伴奏合唱音樂會2010」終於喺全場觀眾的歡笑中完滿結束 !多謝大家的笑聲和掌聲!
11月20日就到我地嘅第二擊-「BREAKTHROUGH 合唱音樂會2010」。Melody Makers今次會帶比大家耳目一新的choral music,仲會演出6月係World Choir Games的得獎曲目! 鍾意合唱音樂的朋友,請喺11月20日黎到聖約翰座堂,繼續支持Hong Kong Melody Makers!
壯觀!全場觀眾齊齊做健康操,「再鬆下膊頭」!:-) 你地見唔見到自己呀;)
沒想到一峰真的到來看我們的演出! 真是萬分驚喜!
他還很大方地跟我們玩遊戲呢! 哈哈! ;)
他還很大方地跟我們玩遊戲呢! 哈哈! ;)
HKMM Vocal Band
BREAKTHROUGH a cappella concert 2010!!!
黎啦黎啦!BREAKTHROUGH a cappella concert 2010!!!
今次HKMM帶比大家2個感覺截然不同的concert-11月6日的無伴奏合唱音樂會及11月20日的合唱音樂會-A BREAKTHROUGH in DUAL dimensions. 喜歡a cappella、喜歡Choral Music、喜歡唱歌、喜歡音樂的你你你你,香港旋律將為你帶來最耳目一新、最富有活力的音樂會,千萬不要錯過!
BREAKTHROUGH a cappella concert:
BREAKTHROUGH Choral concert:
繼Lady Gaga Megamix後,現在為大家送上我們另一些綵排片段;)
愛是懷疑 Potenza (arr. Lauyiu)
新片放送--2010無伴奏露天音樂會及Sapporo trip Vlog Part III !
大家在schedule Mark低左11月6日未呢? 2010 BREAKTHROUGH a cappella Concert詳情即將公布,率先送上之前在文化中心廣場的演出片段--2010無伴奏露天音樂會
唔知大家有冇追睇我地Sapporo Trip 的Vlog呢??為大家送上最後一集,有雪祭中的表演片段架!
搶先看Lady Gaga Megamix! (Preview)
***我們的Blog改版了! 在標題下新增了幾個Tab! 按下就可以看到關於我們的資料!
11月6日有Concert! 大家Mark住日子先啦! :D
2010 BREAKTHROUGH 無伴奏合唱音樂會
2010年11月6日 (六) 晚上八時 上環文娛中心劇院
2010 BREAKTHROUGH a cappella concert
6 November 2010 (Sat) 8.00 PMSheung Wan Civic Centre Theatre
稍後再告知大家購票詳情! (因為我也在等公布, 哈哈)
先送上第一段預告片! (意味著好片陸續有來!)
是Lady Gaga Megamix的練習片段!
HKMM Vocal Band,
適逢第二日係國慶節,難得有假期,大家都留低一齊鬆一鬆傾下計,Happy National Day;D
適逢第二日係國慶節,難得有假期,大家都留低一齊鬆一鬆傾下計,Happy National Day;D
踏入十月啦,仲有個多月就有HKMM Vocal Band 同HKMM Chorus的Concert,各位團員一起加油:)大家記得要密切留意住我地facebook fans page同blog,update我地的最新消息啦!
第六屆世界合唱比賽 The 6th World Choir Games
2010 中國紹興 Shaoxing China
室內混聲組別(錦標賽第7組)- 金牌第二名
Champion Class [Category 7] for Mixed Chamber Choirs - Gold Medal 1st Runner-up
曲目 Songs
1. Lorem Ipsum
2. V' chit' tu
3. Set Me As a Seal
4. Woodpecker
2010 中國紹興 Shaoxing China
室內混聲組別(錦標賽第7組)- 金牌第二名
Champion Class [Category 7] for Mixed Chamber Choirs - Gold Medal 1st Runner-up
曲目 Songs
1. Lorem Ipsum
2. V' chit' tu
3. Set Me As a Seal
4. Woodpecker
第六屆世界合唱比賽 The 6th World Choir Games
2010 中國紹興 Shaoxing China
現代音樂組別(公開組第12組)- 金獎第三名
Open Class [Category 12] Musica Contemporanea - Gold Diploma 2nd Runner-up
2010 中國紹興 Shaoxing China
現代音樂組別(公開組第12組)- 金獎第三名
Open Class [Category 12] Musica Contemporanea - Gold Diploma 2nd Runner-up
本影片: 狩俣ぬくいちゃ (松下耕)
In This Video: Chorus of Karimata Village (Ko Matsushita)
In This Video: Chorus of Karimata Village (Ko Matsushita)
一峰不能藏二汶演唱會 Chet & Eman Let's Jam 2010
Sat Sun 18-19/9/2010
很多謝林一峰先生這麼看得起我們, 邀請HKMM在「一峰不能藏二汶演唱會」表演!
Potenza和一峰在伊館大舞台上又唱又跳, 重新演繹了二汶的《火奴魯魯》和小鳳姐的《黃沙萬里》! CM的編曲和Karen的編舞分別為這兩首歌曲添上了截然不同的音樂風格和視覺效果!
DVD還未出就先search一下網絡吧! 在Youtube找到了觀眾所拍的表演片段:
很多謝林一峰先生這麼看得起我們, 邀請HKMM在「一峰不能藏二汶演唱會」表演!
Potenza和一峰在伊館大舞台上又唱又跳, 重新演繹了二汶的《火奴魯魯》和小鳳姐的《黃沙萬里》! CM的編曲和Karen的編舞分別為這兩首歌曲添上了截然不同的音樂風格和視覺效果!
DVD還未出就先search一下網絡吧! 在Youtube找到了觀眾所拍的表演片段:
這是我們第一次在四面台上演出, 是一次很寶貴的演出經驗! 又唱又跳真是不容易!
Season 2010-2011
It's a new season! Exciting things are coming up for acappella in the region!
At this time last year, Potenza went to Taiwan to participate in their first-ever international competition. Next month, the Taiwan International Contemporary A Cappella Festival will feature performances from four champion groups of past years: Niniwe, Fool Moon, Klangbezirk and Vocaldente. World-class talent.
Also in October is the Singapore International A Cappella Festival, featuring the groups above as well as Suade (Australia) and A-Five (Korea) plus Hong Kong's own Orange. They also held the Singapore A Cappella Championships last month.
As for us, the Hong Kong Melody Makers are busy rehearsing for the first concert of the new season in November. We're going to sing 'new' pieces in addition to songs that we presented for competition in the World Choir Games of July 2010.
Also... look out for Potenza this weekend, performing with local singer-songwriter Chet Lam in 一峰不能藏二汶演唱會2010 (Chet & Eman Let's Jam 2010) at Queen Elizabeth Stadium! Yes, Potenza's season debut will be on a four-sided stage!
At this time last year, Potenza went to Taiwan to participate in their first-ever international competition. Next month, the Taiwan International Contemporary A Cappella Festival will feature performances from four champion groups of past years: Niniwe, Fool Moon, Klangbezirk and Vocaldente. World-class talent.
Also in October is the Singapore International A Cappella Festival, featuring the groups above as well as Suade (Australia) and A-Five (Korea) plus Hong Kong's own Orange. They also held the Singapore A Cappella Championships last month.
As for us, the Hong Kong Melody Makers are busy rehearsing for the first concert of the new season in November. We're going to sing 'new' pieces in addition to songs that we presented for competition in the World Choir Games of July 2010.
Also... look out for Potenza this weekend, performing with local singer-songwriter Chet Lam in 一峰不能藏二汶演唱會2010 (Chet & Eman Let's Jam 2010) at Queen Elizabeth Stadium! Yes, Potenza's season debut will be on a four-sided stage!
不知大家還記不記得阿Ju曾經在Blog介紹過「The Sing-Off」這個美國a cappella互動真人騷比賽?今年3-4月,香港2010國際無伴奏合唱節就是邀請了這個電視節目裡的其中一隊參賽隊伍「Noteworthy」來香港表演!
這個節目的Season Two已開始拍攝了。上一屆的優勝者是Nota。雖然每年的參賽隊伍都很多,但只有少部分能獲得評審的賞識而被挑選上電視。美國Contemporary A Cappella Society (CASA) 的創辦人Deke Sharon最近就寫了一篇文章《How to Get on "The Sing-Off" Next Year》,說出了如何能令自已的a cappella小組受評審的賞識和觀眾注目。雖然我們沒有這類些的電視節目,但我覺得這編文章很值得我們參考。有時間不妨到CASA的官網看看:
7月…發生過什麼事呢?對!很高興MM的團員在7月的World Choir Games獲獎!雖然這次我沒有份兒表演,也想叨一點光,哈哈!
我在7月的時候沒有偷懶呀,也有繼續推廣a cappella。去年,以前中學的音樂老師邀請我到母校35周年校慶的文藝晚會表演。結果在7月, 我就跟幾位校友和一個Form 2同學組成一隊ad hoc小組,回到母校禮堂表演。這回倒有點似曾相識的感覺。以前(4年前咋! 但點解好似10年咁嘅?) 就是在這個台上參加過音樂比賽、唱choir和創藝展。我只在這台上唱過一次a cappella, 就是在校際音樂節quick study和madrigal小組,諗住練咗唔好嘥,在「為一眾因要交concert report而感到很苦惱的學生而搞的學生音樂會」裡表演!
7月…發生過什麼事呢?對!很高興MM的團員在7月的World Choir Games獲獎!雖然這次我沒有份兒表演,也想叨一點光,哈哈!
我在7月的時候沒有偷懶呀,也有繼續推廣a cappella。去年,以前中學的音樂老師邀請我到母校35周年校慶的文藝晚會表演。結果在7月, 我就跟幾位校友和一個Form 2同學組成一隊ad hoc小組,回到母校禮堂表演。這回倒有點似曾相識的感覺。以前(4年前咋! 但點解好似10年咁嘅?) 就是在這個台上參加過音樂比賽、唱choir和創藝展。我只在這台上唱過一次a cappella, 就是在校際音樂節quick study和madrigal小組,諗住練咗唔好嘥,在「為一眾因要交concert report而感到很苦惱的學生而搞的學生音樂會」裡表演!
Great news from the World Choir Games!
We're back from our very first full-group international competition experience, the 6th World Choir Games Shaoxing 2010! What an amazing trip!
We selected new choral pieces for these Games, and used the past few months to rehearse eight contemporary choral works (two were composed by our very own Patrick and Ernest) with the help of our two conductors as well as Apollo Wong.
Honestly, it was not easy - we have not performed choral works for a long time, so it was hard to adjust to this singing style... but it was worth it! We got extraordinary results, placing second out of 16 groups in Champion Class: Mixed Chamber Choirs, and obtaining Hong Kong's first (and so far, only) Gold Medal in Shaoxing. We also placed third out of 19 groups in the Open Class: Contemporary Music category, earning a Gold Diploma.
We also were very lucky to see other choirs perform in the Games - they were amazing! We'll write more about them in the future.
If you want to hear our competition songs, come see our November concert! Details to follow.
For the full results:
上星期有團員告訴我,他被母校邀請為校歌編成無伴奏合唱版本,把向來感覺嚴肅的校歌以 a cappella演繹,唱出來必定有另一種感覺!碰巧我的中學老師也邀請我回到母校擔任歌唱比賽評判,順便跟師妹分享一下有關無伴奏合唱的點滴。原來她們三月份有到伊館看<<2010國際無伴奏音樂盛典>>,自此更多同學認識了a cappella。而中學老師亦告訴我,自從那場音樂會後,各級的音樂課也加上無伴奏音樂的介紹,因此很多師妹都對無伴奏合唱略知一二。似乎隨著愈來愈多的無伴奏合唱音樂會,成功把a cappella推廣至更年輕一代;而且最近亦有不少由年青人新組成的無伴奏合唱組合,當中學生對a cappella也感興趣時,亦正正代表a cappella在香港開始慢慢普及化呢。
回想起初初接觸a cappella的時候,當時我是那些「只聽不唱」的a cappella fans,除了聽音樂會,便是留意相關的a cappella訪問。有一次我訪問了a cappella的「前輩級」人物,他的其中一句說話我一直記到現在。他說,不少無伴奏合唱組合難逃「三年魔咒」,經營一個a cappella group的確會面對很多問題。由於大多組合都是業餘的關係,若未能解決排練、團員相處、經營分工等種種難題,很可能唱了兩、三年還是要解散,實在可惜。當時的我只是被a cappella的魅力感動,也預料不到自己今天從台下走到台上唱a cappella,幸好HKMM裡的每一個團員都為經營這個樂團而努力。我想,這裡的凝聚力除了是音樂本身外,也是每個人對a cappella的熱情和堅持。也許這就是每一個熱愛a cappella、熱愛音樂、熱愛藝術的人的共通之處吧!
記得上次有提及過我們接受網上直播訪問嗎?現在能夠在youtube重溫了,節目中我們除了介紹a cappella,團員更示範了模仿樂器呢,千萬不要錯過!;)
<<清唱感動人心>> Part 1 --U21專訪青協香港旋律
<<清唱感動人心>> Part 2 --U21專訪青協香港旋律
A cappella 近期動向
自從香港2010國際無伴奏合唱節於4月結束後,香港無伴奏合唱的消息卻未有停止。不知道大家有沒有在去年和今年的無伴奏合唱節中欣賞過<石堅>無伴奏劇場,<石堅>創新以音樂劇形式演繹無伴奏音樂,更於今年5月把這套嶄新的無伴奏合唱表演帶到上海世博,成為香港五十多場世博表演中的首場代表,把屬於香港的A cappella帶到世界各地的人面前,更獲得不少好評!希望日後有更多如<石堅>的不同演繹方式出現,使A cappella更具屬於香港的創意和文化特色。
話說回來,這個月我們雖然沒有公開演出,但是大家有沒有在不同的媒體,曾經發現HKMM的縱影和A cappella的消息呢?其實自3,4月的無伴奏合唱節開始,不但有愈來愈多雜誌和報章刊登有關A cappella的報道和訪問,網上媒體和電視台都紛紛播出有關A cappella的節目,相信經過A cappella Festival和這些節目的介紹,會有愈來愈多人對A cappella產生興趣呢!如果大家有時間,不妨翻看節目,當中包含A cappella愛好者的心得,也有不少HKMM的專訪呢=)其中,有線電視於5月在音樂節目中,一連用5集介紹A cappella,每集有不同的集中點,也值得一看!

P.S. 今晚7點至7點半,U21網上直播室將會有HKMM的直播訪問--<<清唱感動人心>>,大家記得收看啦!
2010 Sapporo Tour Day 2 Vlog Part II!
2010 北海道札幌之旅 Day 2 Vlog Part II !
4-8.2.2010 Sapporo Tour Day 2 Vlog Part II !!!
Day 2 - 2010年2月5日 - 大雪
1630 到小樽運河看當地的節日佈置, 在地鐵站巧遇一隊女子a cappella合唱團, 決定跟大家分享當地組合的表演!
1800 為免凍僵找個地方解凍+練歌 (有人聞歌起舞, 好high...)
2000 醫肚, 回程, 準備第二天演出
The Real Group in Hong Kong

Did you guys see The Real Group this past Tuesday? "The 2010 a cappella Real Premiere" was simply amazing!
My first 'exposure' to The Real Group was back when HKMM first started, when we tried to sing 'Chili Con Carne' (which didn't turn out very well, of course!). All I knew then was that they were one of the best vocal jazz groups out there. After this concert, I found that they do all sorts of music - from pop to contemporary to classical to even country music! (I also found out that a lot of Britney songs are of Swedish origin) Nowadays they write a lot of their own songs, which are performed by a cappella groups worldwide.
What's more, they're really nice people! Chatting with them over dinner was a very pleasant experience; you'd think they would be jaded after performing for 25 years and doing more than 3000 shows, but they're not!
Listening to 'The Real Album' after the concert was another great experience. They did many songs from this newest album during the Tuesday concert - my favorite are 'Bumble Bee' and 'Lay It In My Hands'. Did you know that they arrange two versions of each of their songs - one for CD recording, and one for live performance?
Go listen to 'Gota', the final song of their show in Hong Kong.
The final Festival performance is Rock Hard on April 22. This CASH-award-winning local production will also be the first show from Hong Kong to perform in the Shanghai Expo 2010 when it opens in May! (Only two tickets left...)
HKMM 演出成功!
等我總括一下呢半個月先。自從3月27日和王菀之及方大同那場演出後,除了vocal band3月28日在海洋公園有一場演出外,前天(4月9日)HKMM也再次和R.X一同演出,還有美國的Noteworthy及日本的V.I.P,相信當天有到場館睇騷的你一定對他們留下深刻印象啦:) 而昨天(4月10日)在文化中心的Piazza Show更加精采了,雖然天陰也有下雨,但觀眾卻意想不到的熱情呢!即使雨愈下愈大仍留低聽到最尾,台上的表演隊伍自然更賣力了,Noteworthy的女孩子們還邊唱邊跳,真的很厲害!
講返琴日個Piazza Show,其實今次HKMM的5位表演者正正是2個月前到北海道札幌雪祭表演的班底,不過當然經過這2個月之後歌曲的演繹方法會有不同,最開心的地方是大家更有默契了:)有趣的是,今次在台上唱到中途突然下起雨來,(我還記得那一首是Close to You 和Ninja呢),冒著雨演出不自覺就回想起2月在札幌雪祭表演時,邊下雪邊唱歌旳感覺。當時同樣是唱Close to You,卻突然刮起風雪,不慎給了一整口的風雪差點嗆著,睇返片段,好回味冒著風雪在台上的那十多分鐘!話說回來,雖然昨天演出的片段未有,但2月的「雪中唱歌」片段將陸續放上網,大家記得密切留意!
HKMM 4月的shows雖然完了,但是今次A cappella Festival還有2項盛事,包括下星期二的The Real Group演出,當然還有Potenza有份演出的石堅無伴奏劇場,加油呀!
Video: Hong Kong 2010 International a cappella Extravaganza
The largest-ever a cappella concert in Hong Kong was held in Queen Elizabeth Stadium on 27 March 2010, with an audience of almost three thousand. Performers included the USA's Eclipse, Sweden's Riltons Vanner, Singapore's MICappella, as well as Khalil Fong, Ivana Wong, R.X., and the Hong Kong Melody Makers.
If you missed the concert, don't worry! RTHK has the full concert video here (requires Windows Media Player):
Personally, I'm especially proud of what we did with Ivana's cantopop song 我來自火星 'I Come From Mars' (about 1 hr 54 mins into the video) - it's a very unique arrangement to a meaningful song. Thanks to our very own Ernest for arranging this amazing piece.
Next show: 2010 a cappella in Town, 9 April 2010! This show will feature young a cappella talent from the USA, Japan as well as HK. If you want tickets, get them quick - they're very nearly gone!
If you missed the concert, don't worry! RTHK has the full concert video here (requires Windows Media Player):
Personally, I'm especially proud of what we did with Ivana's cantopop song 我來自火星 'I Come From Mars' (about 1 hr 54 mins into the video) - it's a very unique arrangement to a meaningful song. Thanks to our very own Ernest for arranging this amazing piece.
Next show: 2010 a cappella in Town, 9 April 2010! This show will feature young a cappella talent from the USA, Japan as well as HK. If you want tickets, get them quick - they're very nearly gone!
《2010國際無伴奏音樂盛典》Good Show HKMM!
《2010國際無伴奏音樂盛典》Good Show HKMM!
剛過去的星期六,我們終於完成在伊館舉行的香港2010國際無伴奏合唱節開幕表演--《2010國際無伴奏音樂盛典》完滿結束!今次表演可以和王菀之、方大同合作,以a cappella唱出他們自己的歌曲,是一個很新的嘗試,出來的效果也不錯呢!各大報章都有報道今次表演,而事實上過去幾個星期我們也一直接受傳媒的訪問,希望藉著今次演出,能令更多人認識a cappella啦!

講返今次演出,雖然和Ivana & Khalil只有2-3次綵排機會,而和新加坡組合MICappella合唱的「追」也沒有正式綵排過,但到3月27日dress rehearsal 大家踩上台時,一切都挺順利!可惜在夜晚正式演出時,現場3000多名觀眾實在太熱情了,他們的歡呼聲有時也會掩蓋了inner parts的聲音,有些details 的效果可能聽不到了…但從youtube的片段中,舞台效果還是不錯的!尤其是「我來自火星」,以人聲加入不同特別的效果配合這首有趣的歌曲,加上staging 和燈光,音效上和視覺上也很特別呢,大家記得上youtube看看=D!當天還有MICappella 、來自瑞典的Riltons Vänner和來自美國的Eclipse的精彩演出, 他們都是有豐富經驗的頂級組合,我們在後台也有互相交流心得呢!

經過今次演出,除了我們本身得到更多舞台表演經驗,見到身邊有很多朋友也開始留意a cappella了,Youtube上的片段也有不少點撃率和留言,真感激辛苦籌辨這次無伴奏合唱節的工作人員,相信必定有更多人開始留意a cappella!香港2010國際無伴奏合唱節才剛開始,接著來這一個月還有不少精彩節目和大師班,我們也會在4月9日有下一場表演呢,當天會和另一些外國組合同場演出,他們也是很捧的呢!如果大家上次聽過覺得不錯的話,那麼就不要錯過4月9日的演出了!還有10天,大家都準備得如火如荼了,而聽聞票好像賣得差不多,大家要盡快撲飛啦=D!
P.S 除了在youtube上可以從溫當日片段外,今次now tv也有節目片段,而主辦單位之一香港電台亦會把「香港2010國際無伴奏音樂盛典」精華片段於四月三日晚上十時至十二時在「騷動音樂」節目內播出,亦可於港台網上廣播站(網址:重溫音樂盛典的內容。大家如果當日錯過了或想重溫片段,就不要錯過啦!《2010「無伴奏.新感受」青年音樂會》: 世界各地的頂尖年輕無伴奏組合,包括來自日本的V.I.P 、美國的Noteworthy 及本地的香港旋律、香港青年合唱組、Music Shake 及Beatbox能手 RX (Rico Xenophon),為您展示新世代的無伴奏音樂力量!

日期: 2010/04/09
地點: 青年廣場 - 青年廣場Y綜藝館
票務資料: 票價: $200, $100
《2010無伴奏露天音樂會》: 這場免費音樂會於香港文化中心露天廣場舉行,讓您在壯麗的維多利亞港前,感受無伴奏表演的清新活力! (4月10日)
《2010無伴奏至尊首演》:在聲樂界具領導地位、走爵士及流行路線的著名瑞典專業無伴奏組合The Real Group,首次在港演出,不容錯過 。(4月13日)
《石堅無伴奏合唱劇場》:以嶄新視野審視香港歷史的合唱劇場《石堅》,榮獲香港作曲家及作詞家協會頒發2009 CASH金帆音樂獎「最佳正統音樂作品」。本劇將代表香港,於2010世博期間在上海歌劇院再次上演。(4月22日)
-By Una
剛過去的星期六,我們終於完成在伊館舉行的香港2010國際無伴奏合唱節開幕表演--《2010國際無伴奏音樂盛典》完滿結束!今次表演可以和王菀之、方大同合作,以a cappella唱出他們自己的歌曲,是一個很新的嘗試,出來的效果也不錯呢!各大報章都有報道今次表演,而事實上過去幾個星期我們也一直接受傳媒的訪問,希望藉著今次演出,能令更多人認識a cappella啦!

講返今次演出,雖然和Ivana & Khalil只有2-3次綵排機會,而和新加坡組合MICappella合唱的「追」也沒有正式綵排過,但到3月27日dress rehearsal 大家踩上台時,一切都挺順利!可惜在夜晚正式演出時,現場3000多名觀眾實在太熱情了,他們的歡呼聲有時也會掩蓋了inner parts的聲音,有些details 的效果可能聽不到了…但從youtube的片段中,舞台效果還是不錯的!尤其是「我來自火星」,以人聲加入不同特別的效果配合這首有趣的歌曲,加上staging 和燈光,音效上和視覺上也很特別呢,大家記得上youtube看看=D!當天還有MICappella 、來自瑞典的Riltons Vänner和來自美國的Eclipse的精彩演出, 他們都是有豐富經驗的頂級組合,我們在後台也有互相交流心得呢!
經過今次演出,除了我們本身得到更多舞台表演經驗,見到身邊有很多朋友也開始留意a cappella了,Youtube上的片段也有不少點撃率和留言,真感激辛苦籌辨這次無伴奏合唱節的工作人員,相信必定有更多人開始留意a cappella!香港2010國際無伴奏合唱節才剛開始,接著來這一個月還有不少精彩節目和大師班,我們也會在4月9日有下一場表演呢,當天會和另一些外國組合同場演出,他們也是很捧的呢!如果大家上次聽過覺得不錯的話,那麼就不要錯過4月9日的演出了!還有10天,大家都準備得如火如荼了,而聽聞票好像賣得差不多,大家要盡快撲飛啦=D!
P.S 除了在youtube上可以從溫當日片段外,今次now tv也有節目片段,而主辦單位之一香港電台亦會把「香港2010國際無伴奏音樂盛典」精華片段於四月三日晚上十時至十二時在「騷動音樂」節目內播出,亦可於港台網上廣播站(網址:重溫音樂盛典的內容。大家如果當日錯過了或想重溫片段,就不要錯過啦!《2010「無伴奏.新感受」青年音樂會》: 世界各地的頂尖年輕無伴奏組合,包括來自日本的V.I.P 、美國的Noteworthy 及本地的香港旋律、香港青年合唱組、Music Shake 及Beatbox能手 RX (Rico Xenophon),為您展示新世代的無伴奏音樂力量!

日期: 2010/04/09
地點: 青年廣場 - 青年廣場Y綜藝館
票務資料: 票價: $200, $100
《2010無伴奏露天音樂會》: 這場免費音樂會於香港文化中心露天廣場舉行,讓您在壯麗的維多利亞港前,感受無伴奏表演的清新活力! (4月10日)
《2010無伴奏至尊首演》:在聲樂界具領導地位、走爵士及流行路線的著名瑞典專業無伴奏組合The Real Group,首次在港演出,不容錯過 。(4月13日)
《石堅無伴奏合唱劇場》:以嶄新視野審視香港歷史的合唱劇場《石堅》,榮獲香港作曲家及作詞家協會頒發2009 CASH金帆音樂獎「最佳正統音樂作品」。本劇將代表香港,於2010世博期間在上海歌劇院再次上演。(4月22日)
-By Una
2010 International a cappella Extravaganza
The overseas groups are starting to arrive... two more days until the Festival starts!
We rehearsed a bit with Ivana, Khalil and R.X. today. Wow... Saturday's Extravaganza concert in Queen Elizabeth Stadium should be stellar. Can't wait!
We rehearsed a bit with Ivana, Khalil and R.X. today. Wow... Saturday's Extravaganza concert in Queen Elizabeth Stadium should be stellar. Can't wait!
香港2010國際無伴奏合唱節 門票現已有售!
各位熱愛a cappella的朋友有褔了 ,因為香港青年協會將會在3月27日至4月22日舉辦香港2010國際無伴奏合唱節!
除了3月27日「2010國際無伴奏音樂盛典」的門票僅限受邀團體及學校外,另外三場音樂會的門票現已有售! (3月27日有方大同、王菀之呀!各位想睇「音樂盛典」嘅同學,仲唔快啲向音樂老師查詢?)
1) 9 April 2010 (Fri) 無伴奏「新世代」
除了3月27日「2010國際無伴奏音樂盛典」的門票僅限受邀團體及學校外,另外三場音樂會的門票現已有售! (3月27日有方大同、王菀之呀!各位想睇「音樂盛典」嘅同學,仲唔快啲向音樂老師查詢?)
1) 9 April 2010 (Fri) 無伴奏「新世代」
8pm, 柴灣青年廣場Y綜藝館
$200, $100
2) 13 April 2010 (Tue) 2010 a cappella Real Premiere
2010 無伴奏至尊首演 (瑞典殿堂級組合Real Group)
8pm, 香港大會堂會音樂廳
$500, $350, $200
3) 22 April 2010 (Thu) 石堅 無伴奏合唱劇場
8pm, 香港大會堂劇院
$300, $200, $100
2010 Sapporo Tour Day 2 Vlog Part I!
2010 北海道札幌之旅 Day 2 Vlog Part I !
4-8.2.2010 Sapporo Tour Day 2 Vlog Part I !!!
前言:話說HKMM獲邀到北海道出。共有三場 表演,包括第六十一屆札幌雪祭(The 61st Sapporo Snow Festival)、第十七回ハモサツ(The 17th Hamosatsu a cappella Festival)和新札幌雪祭(Shin-Sapporo Winter Festival)。經過剛好一個月的排練,Una, Natalie, Ernest, Ronald和Keith(HKMM Vocal Band 五人小組) 就從十幾度的香港走到零下十幾度的札幌...
Day 2 - 2010年2月5日 - 大雪
09:00 Natalie有個書友仔Shelley在日本遊學, 呢個trip真係好多謝佢幫忙!! (Big hands!!)
09:10 一齊食早餐, 忍唔住要唱唱歌
11:00 去「白い恋人」chocolate factory遊覽, 見到好靚嘅城堡雪景 (沿途發生雪戰)
14:00 啟程去小樽市, 途經Yamaha音樂店, 一班音樂人打哂書釘
Coming Up - Day 2 Vlog Part II !
2010 Sapporo Tour Day 1 Vlog!
2010 北海道札幌之旅 Day 1 Vlog!
4-8.2.2010 Sapporo Tour Day 1 Vlog!!!
前言:話說HKMM獲邀到北海道出。共有三場 表演,包括第六十一屆札幌雪祭(The 61st Sapporo Snow Festival)、第十七回ハモサツ(The 17th Hamosatsu a cappella Festival)和新札幌雪祭(Shin-Sapporo Winter Festival)。經過剛好一個月的排練,Una, Natalie, Ernest, Ronald和Keith(HKMM Vocal Band 五人小組) 就從十幾度的香港走到零下十幾度的札幌...
Day 1 - 2010年2月4日 - 香港很熱.札幌很冷
1030 離開香港
1440 到大阪機場. 等待轉機時, 在機場的角落抓緊時間練歌
2030 到達札幌新千歲空港(機場),大家在機場穿上全副禦寒武裝, 換乘JR到札幌巿中心
2200 到達すすきの(薄野). 在酒店放下行裝後, 邊唱歌邊到處覓食!
Coming Up - Day 2 Vlog!
It's coming...

HKFYG proudly presents the Hong Kong 2010 International a cappella Festival!
Headlining this Festival is one of the top names in a cappella, the legendary Swedish quintet 'The Real Group'. Six international a cappella acts have been invited to Hong Kong for the March-April concerts. Local singer-songwriters Khalil Fong and Ivana Wong are also taking part, and you mustn't miss the locally produced award-winning a cappella production 'Rock Hard'. It's the largest a cappella event ever to be held in Hong Kong!
The official website is (Two language versions, Chinese and English). See you there!
Studio Recording

We're currently doing some recording at Avon Studios. Very extravagant surroundings (with a 48-track digital recorder!!!). Even though it's to be expected, the work is not a piece of cake. I wish we had even more studio time...
By the way, there will be some BIG surprises for fans of a cappella in Hong Kong very soon. The largest-ever a cappella festival in HK will start in late March; keep your eyes on our official website as well as this blog, and we'll keep you posted!
HKMM Mixed Group在日本北海道札幌的雪祭演出!
第一次在日本, 和第一次雪地上表演a cappella!!
感想太多... 要慢慢寫!
HKMM Mixed Group在日本北海道札幌的雪祭演出!
第一次在日本, 和第一次雪地上表演a cappella!!
感想太多... 要慢慢寫!
Mixed Group,
Vocal Band
"When You Wish Upon A Star" on YouTube
♪ When You Wish Upon A Star ♪
我地好掛住你呀, 大忙人! 希望嚟緊4月嘅a cappella in Town可以同你合唱啦!
演出者: Sharon, Shawnea, Natalie, Francis, Simon
Mixed Group,
Vocal Band
Y!OU Judge Talent!
我們在11月中獲Yahoo邀請參加他們的宣傳活動–「Y!OU Judge Talent!」! 整段片段的製作及拍攝,我們都有參與其中! 當中特別多謝基寶、扭腰及patrick! 希望你們喜歡我們的成果吧!!
如果你有Yahoo email的話,你可以登入以下的網址,參加今次的活動並投我們一票! 多多支持!
如果你無亦沒緊要,你可以免費申請一個yahoo email account就即可參加今次活動!
我地拍得好辛苦架,禁入去笑下都抵啦 :P
如果你有Yahoo email的話,你可以登入以下的網址,參加今次的活動並投我們一票! 多多支持!
如果你無亦沒緊要,你可以免費申請一個yahoo email account就即可參加今次活動!
我地拍得好辛苦架,禁入去笑下都抵啦 :P
The Sing-Off
Did anybody watch "The Sing-Off" on NBC or YouTube during the holidays?
This December, the big US television station invited eight American a cappella groups to compete for a Sony recording contract. The groups were amazing, and their staging was definitely something to learn from.
The top three were of course very strong, but my favorite group was the all-female group 'Noteworthy' from Brigham Young University (they were established only in 2004!). Why they got kicked out after singing such a good rendition of 'Hold On', I'll never understand.
The only group we've seen in HK is the Tufts Beelzebubs, one of the show's finalists. I remember their incredible energy singing "Rebel Yell" during a concert at HKU (search for it on YouTube, it's from 2007).
Honorable mention to The SoCals for their performance of "Already Gone" by Kelly Clarkson. Amazingly done.
(Last year, NBC's holiday music competition was "Clash of the Choirs". Search for that on YouTube; I really liked their version of 'Unwritten'!)
This December, the big US television station invited eight American a cappella groups to compete for a Sony recording contract. The groups were amazing, and their staging was definitely something to learn from.
The top three were of course very strong, but my favorite group was the all-female group 'Noteworthy' from Brigham Young University (they were established only in 2004!). Why they got kicked out after singing such a good rendition of 'Hold On', I'll never understand.
The only group we've seen in HK is the Tufts Beelzebubs, one of the show's finalists. I remember their incredible energy singing "Rebel Yell" during a concert at HKU (search for it on YouTube, it's from 2007).
Honorable mention to The SoCals for their performance of "Already Gone" by Kelly Clarkson. Amazingly done.
(Last year, NBC's holiday music competition was "Clash of the Choirs". Search for that on YouTube; I really liked their version of 'Unwritten'!)
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