
無伴奏合唱比賽:最新消息 Latest News: a cappella Contest

公開組參加者注意! 今年台灣的海鷗K人聲樂團將會參加香港無伴奏合唱比賽2011的比賽! 他們剛在韓國春川亞洲青年無伴奏合唱大賽贏了金獎, 實力不容輕視!

We have just confirmed that the Seagull-K Vocal Band will compete in the 2011 Hong Kong a cappella Contest! They won the Golden Harmony Award at the Chuncheon Asia Youth A Cappella Competition this year.

以下看看他們的主題MV,「還OK」! Here is their own theme song MV!

請注意, 香港無伴奏合唱比賽還有一個星期就截止報名了!
Please note that the application deadline is November 12.

