
讓我閃耀:常見問題 Time to Shine: FAQ

Thank you for the very enthusiastic response to the 'Time to Shine' program! As we have received many enquiries, here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs):

Q: 通常會跟Patrick和其他導師每星期會面多少次呢? How frequently would we need to meet Patrick and other tutors?
A: 基本上1-2次,視乎各團隊的時間上能否配合和是否需要。 Generally once or twice per week, according to the group's need and availability.

Q: 通常會在什麼時候和Patrick/其他導師會面? When would be the time for the meetings?
A: 沒有特定時間,導師將會於各隊平時的綵排時間入團到訪。 This is flexible. Patrick and the tutors would preferably visit the group during its regular rehearsal times.

Q: 通常在什麼地方會面? Where would we meet Patrick and the tutors?
A: 除了錄音會安排在特別地方外,基本上也會於各隊平時綵排的地方會面。 Usually in the group's own rehearsal venue. However, the audio recording session would be held in a special venue.

The main aim of this project is to ensure that a group will continue to develop after these four weeks even with the same rehearsal frequency, venue and equipment. Therefore, Patrick and the tutors will show the group how to get the most out of its own facilities.

記得9月7日或以前把錄音(mp3)、團隊簡歷(doc) 及 團隊照片(jpg) 電郵到 hkmm (at) hkfyg.org.hk 或者 hkmmblog (at) gmail.com! 馬上報名!
Remember to send your mp3 recording, group bio (doc) and group photo (jpg) to hkmm (at) hkfyg.org.hk OR hkmmblog (at) gmail.com BEFORE September 7! Apply now!

