一定要來看喔! :-)
除了我們會表演之外, 還有超冠軍級的寶船、Kai-san和Focal Plus!
除了我們會表演之外, 還有超冠軍級的寶船、Kai-san和Focal Plus!
A Cappella Fantasia Concert
October 2009 Asian a cappella Champions gather
10 Oct 2009 (Sat) 8pm
10月10日 (星期六) 晚上8時
Y-Theatre, Youth Square, Chai Wan
(Chai Wan MTR Exit A 港鐵柴灣站A出口)
Tickets門票 $200, $100
(Chai Wan MTR Exit A 港鐵柴灣站A出口)
Tickets門票 $200, $100
A Cappella Fantasia
以極雄厚的女低音及強勁的人聲敲擊而馳名日本的全女班無伴奏合唱團「寶船」(Takarabune)將載譽重臨香港,更會聯同在台灣奪獎無數的Focal Plus人聲樂團、裴聲國際的人聲敲擊大師北村嘉一郎先生和最近在南韓勇奪「第三屆亞洲青年無伴奏合唱大賽」金獎且屢獲好評的「青協香港旋律」,在本港不同的場地,為大家獻上一連串的無伴奏音樂表演及示範。熱愛音樂的您,萬勿錯過這次難忘的「旅程」!
Some of the most talented Asian a cappella musicians will gather in Hong Kong this October to lead local music-lovers on a fantastic a cappella journey.
The impressive Takarabune, the all-girl Japanese group famed for phenomenal bass notes and dazzling vocal percussion skills, will be here in Hong Kong! Joining them will be the world-renowned vocal percussionist, Kaichiro Kitamura and the award-winning Taiwanese group Focal Plus. Completing the list of performers is the local critically-acclaimed group, the HKFYG Hong Kong Melody Makers. Members from their midst recently won the 3rd Asian Youth A Cappella Singing Competition in South Korea. Together, these ensembles will give a series of performances at various Hong Kong venues, demonstrating their exquisite skills during the Creative October event.
Join them on their journey. It’s one you can’t miss!!