我們很高興宣佈今屆無伴奏合唱節會有另一隊來自美國的隊伍參與,他們就是Yellowjackets and Friends!
We are very happy to announce the arrival of an ADDITIONAL a cappella group from the USA for the Hong Hong 2012 International a cappella Festival: Yellowjackets and Friends!
提到Yellowjackets,如果大家有看過美國國家廣播電視公司的無伴奏合唱比賽節目「The Sing-Off」,相信對這隊來自美國羅切斯特大學的五人男子組合Yellowjackets一定不會陌生,以下是他們在比賽中的片段:
If you've watched Season Three of NBC's 'The Sing-Off', you'll definitely know the faces of Yellowjackets and Friends: five of its members performed as part of the University of Rochester Yellowjackets:
這次和他們一起到香港為我們表演的,還有在Urban Method中負責人聲敲擊的Richard Steighner,他精湛的口技,一定能提升整個演出的可觀性。
You should also know Richard, who was the vocal percussionist of the group Urban Method:
另一位要向大家推介的就是Christopher Diaz,他的來頭可不小,Christopher不單在The Sing-Off節目中負責編曲,他亦擔任合唱指導,為一眾參賽者提供訓練。
最後要為大家介紹的就是Reynaldo Deguzman,他當然不只是Yellowjackets的朋友而已,他更是一個舞台劇演員,他飾演過多部著名百老匯音樂劇如灰姑娘等等。
They are joined by Christopher Diaz, one of the arrangers and coaches for The Sing-Off, as well as Reynaldo Deguzman, who has performed on Broadway in numerous lead roles (Hairspray, Little Mermaid, Cinderella). They form a very strong group and are an excellent addition to the Festival!
Yellowjackets and Friends現在經已來到香港到不同的中學與香港學生分享他們唱無伴奏合唱的心得。想親身看到他們的表演,但又不是中學生?不用失望,現在仍有機會。他們將會參與4月1日(星期日)在香港文化中心露天廣場C區舉行的2012無伴奏露天音樂會的演出,記得把握難得的機會,4月1日Yellowjackets and Friends約定你! https://www.facebook.com/events/362016150505342/
The Yellowjackets and Friends are already in Hong Kong and are currently visiting local secondary schools, but don't worry, you'll be able to see them for free in the 2012 Alfresco a cappella show at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza on April 1! See you there!
Yellowjackets and Friends are:
Aaron Sperber
Christopher Diaz
Daniel Rubenstein
Jamal Moore
Kieran Kriss
Nicholas Wiggins
Reynaldo Deguzman
Richard Steighner