The Hong Kong 2012 International a cappella Festival is here!
2012無伴奏合唱大師系列 ﹣ Rockapella
每一年的無伴奏合唱節都會吸引一眾樂迷熱烈討論,皆因國際級a cappella巨星都會因這個盛事而來港獻技!繼The Real Group和The Swingle Singers後,今年主辦單位繼續請到相當有份量的大師級人馬﹣來自美國的全男班組合Rockapella! Rockapella可謂無伴奏樂壇的「長青樹」,皆因他們於1986年組成,擁有超過20年的歷史,今趟來港演出必定會為整個合唱節生色不少!
2012 a cappella Master Series - Rockapella
We are excited to invite American a cappella talent for this year's Festival. Following the phenomenal teams of the past two years (The Real Group and The Swingle Singers) is the acclaimed American all-male group Rockapella! They have been around for more than twenty years, and are sure to blow us away in their 2012 a cappella Master Series concert.
除了大師級外,合唱節亦同樣請來無伴奏合唱「新星」﹣ 來自美國的Beelzebubs 及 Delilah,他們均是“The Sing-Off"的參賽者,而Beelzebubs更曾參與膾炙人口的電視劇「吉列合唱團」(”Glee“)!他們將會在3月31日,於2012國際無伴奏音樂盛典中表演,當中還會有我們很熟悉的歌手謝安琪(香港2012 國際無伴奏合唱節大使)出現,跟我們以全新方式合作演繹她的作品。如果你有欣賞去年的無伴奏音樂盛典,還記得伊館3,000觀眾大合唱為日本送上關心的一幕嗎?今年在同樣的地方,將會有澎湃熱烈的歌聲揭開a cappella的新一頁,一起來見証無伴奏合唱的魅力!

We are very happy to invite young American a cappella talent for this year's Festival. In March, you will be able to see the Tufts Beelzebubs (in addition to being a finalist in the NBC a cappella competition 'The Sing-Off', they have also been recorded as the voice of The Warblers in the hit TV show 'Glee') as well as Delilah (Season Three of 'The Sing-Off'... welcome back, Amy and Laina!) performing in the 2012 International a cappella Extravaganza, which also features the popular artist Kay Tse, our a cappella Festival Ambassador.
Delilah's Facebook Page
What's more, we will have not one but TWO free outdoor a cappella concerts in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza! With so much happening this year, get ready for a phenomenal Festival!