又有新聞啦! More exciting news!
首先, 買了「讓我閃耀」門票未? 六隊優秀無伴奏組合正在努力練習, 希望帶給你們最好的音樂和表演! 十月十二號在理工大學賽馬會綜藝館見!
除了上網購票之外, 也可以在柏斯琴行買飛! http://www.parsonsmusic.com/
First of all, have you bought tickets to the 'Time to Shine' show yet? Six a cappella groups are currently working hard to show you the best of what they can do! Do join us on October 12 at the Polytechnic University Jockey Club Auditorium. Tickets can be found at Cityline (online, link above) or at Parsons Music stores. Hope to see you there!

一年一度香港無伴奏合唱比賽又來了! 今年我們很榮幸能夠邀請到朱元雷先生(台灣合唱音樂中心創辦人及爵士流行藝術總監), 馮國東先生(港澳當代無伴奏合唱協會會長)及伍卓賢先生(著名音樂創作人及無伴奏合唱藝術家)擔任評判。三位都是海外及本地無伴奏合唱界的知名人士,相信必定能夠給予參賽者新的啟發。
一如往年,比賽設有公開組(人聲樂團)及中學組(合唱小組),而今年公開組的小組人數上限更增至10人。愛好無伴奏合唱又喜歡挑戰自己的你, 馬上報名參加吧!參賽隊伍更有機會被邀請在聖誕無伴奏合唱馬拉松演出呢!
Also, we are happy to announce the HONG KONG A CAPPELLA CONTEST 2011! We are very honoured to invite three renowned judges this year, including Mr. Ray Chu (Artistic Director, Taiwan Choral Music Center), Mr. Fung Kwok Tung (Chairperson of the Contemporary A Cappella Society of Hong Kong and Macau), as well as Mr. Yin Ng (Renowned composer and a cappella artist).
As in past years, the Contest has two Divisions, the Secondary School Division and Open Division.
Please note that this year's Open Division welcomes groups with a maximum of 10 members. What's more, competing groups may also be invited to a Christmas a cappella Marathon performance opportunity!
For information, regulations, music scores and application forms, please visit this website:
We hope to see your team on December 4!
去年Noteworthy來香港表演, 今年其中兩位Amy和Laina上了美國無伴奏合唱比賽 The Sing Off, 她們真是很厲害喔!
To wrap up this post, here's a wonderful clip from NBC's The Sing Off, featuring two singers that came to Hong Kong as part of Noteworthy last year, Amy Whitcomb (on lead vocal) and Laina Walker.