
2010 Sapporo Tour Day 2 Vlog Part I!

2010 北海道札幌之旅 Day 2 Vlog Part I !

4-8.2.2010 Sapporo Tour Day 2 Vlog Part I !!!

前言:話說HKMM獲邀到北海道出。共有三場 表演,包括第六十一屆札幌雪祭(The 61st Sapporo Snow Festival)、第十七回ハモサツ(The 17th Hamosatsu a cappella Festival)和新札幌雪祭(Shin-Sapporo Winter Festival)。經過剛好一個月的排練,Una, Natalie, Ernest, Ronald和Keith(HKMM Vocal Band 五人小組) 就從十幾度的香港走到零下十幾度的札幌...

Day 2 - 2010年2月5日 -

09:00 Natalie有個書友仔Shelley在日本遊學, 呢個trip真係好多謝佢幫忙!! (Big hands!!)
09:10 一齊食早餐, 忍唔住要唱唱歌
11:00 去「白い恋人」chocolate factory遊覽, 見到好靚嘅城堡雪景 (沿途發生雪戰)
14:00 啟程去小樽市, 途經Yamaha音樂店, 一班音樂人打哂書釘


Coming Up - Day 2 Vlog Part II !



2010 Sapporo Tour Day 1 Vlog!

2010 北海道札幌之旅 Day 1 Vlog!

4-8.2.2010 Sapporo Tour Day 1 Vlog!!!

前言:話說HKMM獲邀到北海道出。共有三場 表演,包括第六十一屆札幌雪祭(The 61st Sapporo Snow Festival)、第十七回ハモサツ(The 17th Hamosatsu a cappella Festival)和新札幌雪祭(Shin-Sapporo Winter Festival)。經過剛好一個月的排練,Una, Natalie, Ernest, Ronald和Keith(HKMM Vocal Band 五人小組) 就從十幾度的香港走到零下十幾度的札幌...

Day 1 - 2010年2月4日 - 香港很熱.札幌很冷

1030 離開香港
1440 到大阪機場. 等待轉機時, 在機場的角落抓緊時間練歌
2030 到達札幌新千歲空港(機場),大家在機場穿上全副禦寒武裝, 換乘JR到札幌巿中心
2200 到達すすきの(薄野). 在酒店放下行裝後, 邊唱歌邊到處覓食!


Coming Up - Day 2 Vlog!



It's coming...

HKFYG proudly presents the Hong Kong 2010 International a cappella Festival!

Headlining this Festival is one of the top names in a cappella, the legendary Swedish quintet 'The Real Group'. Six international a cappella acts have been invited to Hong Kong for the March-April concerts. Local singer-songwriters Khalil Fong and Ivana Wong are also taking part, and you mustn't miss the locally produced award-winning a cappella production 'Rock Hard'. It's the largest a cappella event ever to be held in Hong Kong!

The official website is http://acappella.hkfyg.org.hk/ (Two language versions, Chinese and English). See you there!


Studio Recording

We're currently doing some recording at Avon Studios. Very extravagant surroundings (with a 48-track digital recorder!!!). Even though it's to be expected, the work is not a piece of cake. I wish we had even more studio time...

By the way, there will be some BIG surprises for fans of a cappella in Hong Kong very soon. The largest-ever a cappella festival in HK will start in late March; keep your eyes on our official website as well as this blog, and we'll keep you posted!



HKMM Mixed Group在日本北海道札幌的雪祭演出!
第一次在日本, 和第一次雪地上表演a cappella!!

感想太多... 要慢慢寫!
